Yesterday we had an excellent night for the opening day of our Bouldering Gym and our new Top Rock Garden Café.

Everybody helped us to install everything, to cook, to welcome clients, to offer drink, food.... We were a really good team !
And the night was just incredible ! we were like 80 people. We invited many guests and we had the great pleasure to have around us the Captain of the Mountaineering Institute Sir RANDIR SINGH SALHURIA and Sir RAJEEV SHARMA, the Deputy of the Institute. The ceremony was an emotional tribute. Sir Randir and Sir Rajeev said beautiful words about Top Rock Adventures and Jean-Luc Jubert, the way he is involved in the developing of outdoor activities in all Himachal Pradesh. They recognized his hard work to give training for the Institute and that he is always free for the Mountaineering to help them.
The rest of the night was dedicated for the restaurant. Lubdhu and his team + the French Top Rock team did tasty dishes ! Alexandre, our new employee managed the bouldering gym : adults competition was organised.
To sum up... the opening was a real success everybody enjoyed the party !
Hier, Vendredi 24 juin nous faisions l'inauguration de la salle Bouldering et du restaurant. C'était une soirée très émouvante. Nous avons reçu une centaine d'invités. Parmis nos guest, nous avons eu le privilège d'accueillir Sir RANDIR SINGH SALHURIA et Sir RAJEEV SHARMA de l'institut de la montagne. De plus, nous avons organisé des jeux pour les enfants ! Ils étaient supers enthousiastes : jeu du tire à la corde, jeu d'escalade, jeu du sac à patate !
Chacun a aidé, la team indienne et française ont travaillé ensemble pour réussir cet heureux évenement !
Cérémonie d'inauguration, jeux pour enfants, restaurant, soirée dansante,...
Soirée REUSSITE !!!
Everybody helped us to install everything, to cook, to welcome clients, to offer drink, food.... We were a really good team !
And the night was just incredible ! we were like 80 people. We invited many guests and we had the great pleasure to have around us the Captain of the Mountaineering Institute Sir RANDIR SINGH SALHURIA and Sir RAJEEV SHARMA, the Deputy of the Institute. The ceremony was an emotional tribute. Sir Randir and Sir Rajeev said beautiful words about Top Rock Adventures and Jean-Luc Jubert, the way he is involved in the developing of outdoor activities in all Himachal Pradesh. They recognized his hard work to give training for the Institute and that he is always free for the Mountaineering to help them.
The rest of the night was dedicated for the restaurant. Lubdhu and his team + the French Top Rock team did tasty dishes ! Alexandre, our new employee managed the bouldering gym : adults competition was organised.
To sum up... the opening was a real success everybody enjoyed the party !
Hier, Vendredi 24 juin nous faisions l'inauguration de la salle Bouldering et du restaurant. C'était une soirée très émouvante. Nous avons reçu une centaine d'invités. Parmis nos guest, nous avons eu le privilège d'accueillir Sir RANDIR SINGH SALHURIA et Sir RAJEEV SHARMA de l'institut de la montagne. De plus, nous avons organisé des jeux pour les enfants ! Ils étaient supers enthousiastes : jeu du tire à la corde, jeu d'escalade, jeu du sac à patate !
Chacun a aidé, la team indienne et française ont travaillé ensemble pour réussir cet heureux évenement !
Cérémonie d'inauguration, jeux pour enfants, restaurant, soirée dansante,...
Soirée REUSSITE !!!
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