
"Never stop exploring"
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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est Rock Climbing. Afficher tous les articles

samedi 28 avril 2012

Top Rock Adventures is recommanded by OUTLOOK TRAVELLER


Summer Specials
Old favourites to brand-new finds—20 cool holidays across the country
Outlook Traveller

Rock-climbing with the help of Top Rock Adventures in Manali
08. Top Rock
There’s a whole wide world out there—mountains to climb, rivers to traverse, rocks to clamber over, trails to follow… If you feel the urge to get out there and do it all, we’d recommend heading over to Manali and putting yourself in the competent (and safe!) hands of an outfit called Top Rock Adventures. “An Indian company founded by French people”, this is a passionate band of adrenaline junkies; the equipment, they promise, is top quality and so is the expertise. Rock climbing, canyoning, mountain biking, trekking, rafting, paragliding, bouldering… do it all. Top Rock’s packages are customisable: for instance, a full day of rock-climbing would cost Rs 1,500 per head (includes lunch and transport) while the multi-activity 5D package starts from Rs 16,000 per head. They have a homestay option (Rs 2,500 per night for two, including breakfast) on the Vasisht Road as well. Contact

mardi 10 avril 2012

Top Rock Adventures Packages...Rock climbing, trekking, mountain biking, canyoning, bouldering, etc. Choose your favorits!

We have designed fun packages with a sample of best activities proposed in the himalayas!
Contact us to check our best offers... We have selected programs for groups, family and friends trip!!
For more info, just drop an email:

samedi 12 novembre 2011

Beal the World Rope Manufacturer!!! Always Inventing!!!!

DIABLO is here and sets ropes on fire!!

Discover DIABLO REVOLUTIONNAY ROPES, the website and the DIABLO HD video (

Join our first DIABLO TESTERS on DIABLO's facebook page, where they will present this innovation and talk about what it's like to use it. Niña CAPREZ, Tony LAMICHE, Sean VILLANUEVA, Olivier FOURBET, François LOMBARD and many other top-level climbers will be there to answer all your questions.

See you on DIABLO's facebook page ( and on Today from 5 pm to 8 pm.

Thanks a lot for your attention and have a good day,

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jeudi 1 septembre 2011

Top Rock Bouldering Gym Manali

A Bouldering Climbing Session with All Top Rock Adventures Team...Excellent

Sony, Titli, Kamal, Léo, Alex, Johana (Our favorite Baba!!!)

7a Boulder designed by Alex Gumy... Come and try It!!

No I havn't drunk!!!

Léo Jee! Yogi and Climber time to time...

Djoty, Sandrine and Titli daughters', secured by Kamal...

Kamal Jee inAction.

The Bouldering Gym is opened to everybody from 9.00AM to 10.00PM everyday.
300rps for full day for Adult
200rps for full day for child.
50rps for shoes.

Top Rock Boudering Gym
Opposite To Top Roc Adventures Office and Top Rock Garden Cafe
1km From Manali on Vashisht Road.
Near Ambassador, Manu Allaya Resort
175103 PO Vashisht - Manali - Kullu Himalaya
Info @ +91.1902-250.260

jeudi 4 août 2011

Le site de Bloc de Solang nala est Sauvé!!!

Il n'y a pas qu'en Europe où les intêrets des uns ne font pas ceux des autres...
Le développement économique, social et infrastructurel de l'Inde pause parfois des problèmes quant au respect de la Mère nature et de ce qu'elle nous offre comme par exemple, sa beauté et ses terrains de jeux.
Je me souviens avoir protesté, en compagnie de mes amis Toulonais pour la sauvegarde du site d'escalade de Château vert en Provence. A cette époque les intêrets privés venaient bousculer les passionés de la grimpe....Comment nous interdire l'accés à cette magnifique gorge du vallon Sourn et à nos belles paroies, pour le seul et unique bénéfice d'implanter un terrain de golf qui devrait ammener des touristes riches....du monde entier et augmenter les rentes de la municipalité?? Quelle absurdité!!!..Il y a déjà presque 20 ans que nous nous sommes mobilisés et que nous avons gagné.

Aujourd'hui l'enjeux, les lieux et les protagonistes sont différent mais le résultat reste le même.

Nous avons, ici, à Manali, au coeur de l'Himlaya indien, un site de blocs unique, situé à une altitude de 2500m au pied de la station de ski de Solang. Nous avons ouvert l'ensemble des trois secteurs de bloc, "le plateau, la Forêt et l'Institut" durant ces 3 dernières années.
Le topo crée et édité par Top Rock Adventures devait bientôt être sous presse....
Seulement, au moment de donner le feu vert à l'imprimeur, un malheur s'est abattu sur notre petit bijoux!!

Des espèces de monstres sont arrivés sur les nuit sans rien dire à personne...Le lendemain, alors que nous étions en train de grimper et de faire joujoux sur les blocs, les monstres, grattant la terre et percuttant les blocs sans intêret pour nous, se sont rapprochés. Le bruit et le vacarme émi par ces monstres destructeurs nous cassaient de plus en plus les oreilles. Le paysage devenait de plus en plus sordide et la vision d'horreur de blocs detruits devenait insupportable.
Alors, j'ai décidé de bondir, de remuer les autorités et les journalistes pour crier haut et fort "au crîme"!!
Par chance, le haut commissaire de police, Shri Sir AbishekDular, le Directeur de l'Institut de la Montagne de Manali (WHMI) Rajeev Sharma(où je suis Directeur technique), le magistrat, et les autoritées du gouvernement central à Delhi ont entendu mon cri d'appel et de désespoir...
Immédiatement nous avons mené une double action:
la première de contacter politiquement les responsable de AFCONS india (promoteur du projet), le
département du tourisme et les autorités gouvernementales qui ont ordonné la construction de ce tunnel.
La deuxième, a été de se rendre sur le terrain de procéder a un relevé topographique des blocs et d'en stopper la destruction. Nous avons aussi mené des opérations commandos de nuit pour mettre en panne les monstres!!Chuuuuuuuuut!
Finalement, tous ensemble, nous avons réussi à organiser une première réuinion de concertation, puis une deuxième,..puis une troisiè enfin une carte concertée de protection du site a vue le jour.
Aprés 3 semaines de bataille, l'ensemble des promoteurs et acteurs de ce projet sont tombés d'accord sur l'intêret historique, culturel et économique de la protection de ce site.

Le principe de destruction de ce champ de bloc, reposait sur le principe de développement et de sacrifice pour le bien de tous.
Certes, un tel tunel qui fera 9km de long, qui sera le premier plus gros tunel de l'himalaya, permettra d'une part d'éviter les 12hrs hasardeuses de voiture pour traverser le Rohtang Pass(3936m) et permettra de désenclaver la vallée du lahaul durant les 9 mois d'hiver!!
Ces travaux sont indispensables pour le bien être des populations isolées de ces vallées totalement reculées. Le tunel devient l'unique cordon ombilical entre le nord et le sud des Himalayas, le fil d'Ariane entre Leh et Manali durant la période hivernale.
Mais fallait il tout sacrifier? Détruire les blocs pour en tirer le meilleur granit pour la construction d'un côté, et remplir cet espace par les gravas sortis lors de l'escavation des déchets, de l'autre? Et bien non!!
Alors, les divers tours de table ont fait basculer les avis en notre faveur et aprés 3 semaines d'acharnement, nous avons réussi à faire infléchir le projet, à trouver un compromis qui préserve notre site de bloc. Ouf!
AFCONS india s'est engagé avec le gouvernement indien à escaver les blocs tout autour d'un périmettre défini et à rendre le paysage comme à son origine. Ce projet va s'étaller sur 10 années...mais nous pourrons continuer à grimper...
La nouvelle version du Topo de "Solang site de bloc" va finalement voir le jour pour le plaisir de chacun.
Ce résultat aura été le fruit d'une solidarité entre de nombreuses personnes grimpeurs ou non mais tous amoureux de la nature. Le gouvernement lui aussi a su reconnaître l'intêret de préserver ce site.
Un beau résultat de coordination et de compréhension entre les divers acteurs.
Merci à tous.
N'hésitez pas à poster vos commentaires surtout si vous avez vécu des expériences similaires dans vos coins de grimpe respectifs et encore plus si vous avez déjà grimpé à Solang, Kullu Manali, Himachal Pradesh, Inde.

Pour Top Rock Adventures,
Jeanluc Jubert

jeudi 21 juillet 2011

[Rock Climbing with Top Rock Adventures] 1st step : Brushing !

Alex and Sunny went twice time to brush beautiful rocks !!!
Excellent work, but long ! Now the cliff is splendid !
But just, chek how is before....and after !
Rock Climbing with Top Rock Adventures : it's teached and equiped by a qualified team who are passionate by rock climbing !

Brosser, froter, nettoyer, chercher !!!! TROUVER !!!! Voilà le rituel pour une ouverture d'une voie !!!
Brosser pour trouver des prises !
Alex et Sunny ont passé deux journées à Chichoga pour ouvrir de nouvelles voies.
De beaux parcours se déclinent : débutants petiot à avancé !
Manque plus qu'à équiper !
L'Escalade avec Top Rock Adventures, c'est apprendre à grimper avec des intructeurs qualifiés et passionnés !

vendredi 15 juillet 2011

Canyoning & Rock Climbing with Top Rock Adventures

These last weeks we had few groups for Canyoning and Rock Climbing.

They were very happy to try canyoning in Himalyan Mountains !!! Their first time in India !
What is incredible is that when you realise that you are one of the first who do some extrem sports in India !

South Africa, Penjabi, Isreali... always an opportunty for us to meet new people.

...Canyoning with Top Rock Adventures will be one of your most incredible activty of your Indian life !

mardi 28 juin 2011

5 days climbing course

Salut salut ! Ces 5 derniers jours Jean-Luc a donné 5 jours de cours d'escalade.

Au programme :
1er Jour : Dundrhi forest
2eme Jour : Aleo
3eme Jour : Hadimba temple
4eme Jour : Solang (bloc)
5eme Jour : Chichoga

Nos deux sportifs... oups pardon, nos TROIS sportifs ont passé 5 jours bien intenses !
5 days training, 3 strong men now !
Titli gave a 5 days of rock climbing course for Benji (from Switzerland) & Kunal (from Pune)
Let's see it on picture :


jeudi 14 avril 2011

Sortie Bloc 13 Avril 11

Ca y est !!! Le beau temps est parmis nous !!!

Hier, Jean Luc etait de sortie. Au programme bouldering dans la vallee de Solang.

Superbe journee. Les climbers, debutants et avances se sont eclates !
Je vous laisse voir ca en image !

lundi 14 mars 2011

Top Rock Adventures Members’ Climbing in Chiang Mai and in South Lao, Thakek in Khammouan Province

Top Rock Adventures Members’ Climbing in Chiang Mai and in South Lao, Thakek in Khamouan Province.


After spending two months in south Thaïland, in Krabi province, Tonsaï, Kho Yao Noi Island for bolting new sports climbing routes (6C to 8B, check at or ), Sandrine and Jeanluc Jubert, Top Rock Adventures owners are travelling in South Lao in the Khamouan  Province. But their trip starts from Chiang Mai…

In Chiang Mai city we have met Josh Morris, the owner of “Chiang Mai Rock Climbing Adventures” (  ). Josh has developed a beautiful climbing crag at 40mn drive from down town. The place is named “Crazy horse” and is located in Mae On Municipality.

This name comes from the incredible shape of the main cliff, naturally carved like a horse head.

This area is very attractive not only for the rock climbing but also for caving network trough the huge “Karstik” ground. Mao On Cave must be seen!

Josh along with is Thailand’s instructors team has develop an original climbing style starting from overhang stalactite walls to some underground climb (6a to 7b)! Amazing!!
Routes are safely bolted and statrs from 3a to 8a.

Nearby you can also enjoy hot spring camping and sulphur water in a lovely place.

Chiang Mai is a must sto see and climb on the way to North Thailand or Lao.

To get to Mae On / Crazy Horse crag one can rather rent a bike from down town Chiang Mai for 100ThaiBath to 180Thaibath per day or visit “Chiang Mai Rock Climbing Adventures” to meet partners and get a transport cheaper than arrange by you.

Another possibility is to stay in “Home stay” in Mae On municipality for 50ThaiBath to 100Thaibath/night
A motorbike should still be hire from Chiang Mai to go to the cliff and do your own shopping in Mae On village.

At the hot spring you can also stay for 100thaiBath per night in a dome tent or pitch your own tent.

At “Chiang Mai Rock Climbing Adventures” you will find the update guidebook and much information on the area and new routes. You can also find all kind of climbing gears you will need particularly chalk! There is a nice boulder gym where you can train and meet local climbers and climbers coming from all over the world. It is a nice and friendly place.

I must add that Josh is the only relevant person in Chiang Mai to develop in a proper safety way the rock climbing. The cliff is private, under the “Chiang Mai Rock Climbing Adventures” management. Visit the club is also get information on what to do or not!

For example, they organise drinking water tank on the spot to avoid plastic bottle. They collect garbage and maintain the area. Build some bamboo shelter to get rest from the heavy sun. Then you can enjoy rock climbing all day long. And when it is too hot, get into one of the cave and become an explorer!! Or a cave climber!

Great job Josh!
Enjoy your trip and feel free to contact us for any infos!

Jean luc & Sandrine Jubert.

Travel Informations:

Top Rock Adventures is organising climbing tours and packages around South East Asia. You can visit our web site about our Indian rock climbing packages in Badami, Hampi, Manali, Spiti and Lahaul Valleys.

For Thaïland, Vietnam, Lao, China, climbing tours you can send us an email at

We will organise the climbing gears (sports and traditional climbing), hotel/guest house booking, travel booking, and all transfert facilities to make your trip as much as cool as possible.

Jeanluc Jubert will guide you trough all these marvellous countries and climbing spots while avoiding touristic and crowdies places.

He will share with you is travel experiences and cultural knowledge.

In case you wish to travel by yourself here are some relevant information’s.

Chiang Mai:

“Chiang Mai Rock Climbing Adventures”

Where to Stay in Chiang Mai:

We not recommend any guest house or hotel in Chiang Mai. We have found very unstable the quality and the price year after year.
A better way is to check out on the net and get your pre booking and make your own opinion!
Anyway the best location will be in the old city near Thapae gate.
In the old city you will find all kind of guest house and hotel according your budget and a numerous of restaurant, bars…All the night life is happening in the old city.
In Thapae gate you will be at the best location to see and enjoy the Chiang Mai Flower Festival.

How to get Chiang Mai:

By Bus: We highly recommend organising your bus booking by yourself and not use any kind of travel agent in Bangkok.
They will sale you more expensive ticket from a Chinese owned company called Lomprayah.
This company doesn’t take any care of their guests and your travel will become a nightmare! Better to avoid this company.
On another side going by yourself to the government bus station will hardly take you 20mn by “Tuk Tuk” and 50thaibath.
The bus ticket will cost you 450ThaiBath and it will take you 12hrs to get Chiang Mai.

By Taxi: Approximately 6000ThaiBath, 12hrs.
Once on board, the personnel will take care of you, distribute water, snacks and serve you a nice breakfast in the morning. Blanket will be at your disposal.
But overall each and every driver has to submit himself to an alcohol test before to leave the bus station.

By Train:
You can check online

Or go to the main train station and book your ticket.
The journey will take 12hrs.
By Air: Direct flight with

The flight duration is one hour.
Approximately 2000Thaibath for one way according the airline.

For Further Travels infos on Thaialnd Visa, Chiang Mai, Lao ... go on the article Part 2

Top Rock Adventures Members’ Climbing in Chiang Mai and in South Lao, Thakek in Khamouan Province.PART 2

Top Rock Adventures Members’ Climbing in Chiang Mai and in South Lao, Thakek in Khamouan Province.

After spending lovely climbing days in Chiang Mai we have moved from Chiang Mai to Udorn Thani and further south to Nakon Phanon at the Lao border near Isaan province.
Nakon Phanon is a small Thai city located on the right side of the Mekong river bank.
Nothing to do or to see in Nakon Phanon but it is the place to cross the Mekong River and to get a fresh visa for Lao.
At that entrance point you are right in front of Thakek city a lovely old French colony place.
Once you will cross the Mekong and get on the left bank you will immediately enjoy and appreciate the kindtness of the Lao people.

Thakek is a very quite city, living along with the Mekong river flow… Romantic!
Thakek is also a starting point to organise your climbing trip in Lao.

Lao offers various areas for climbing.
Some are already known such as VangVieng and Luang Pabang. But it is also possible to climb around Thakek at 16km drive out from down town.
The area is opposite to Buddha Cave entrance on the road towards Mahaxai, and the 4000 islands Mekong delta near Cambodia border Road # 12.
Thakek climbing area is opened since one year and had been develop by 17 climbers coming from Germany.
The area is beautiful with an amazing cave at the end of the valley where a green transparent fresh water river is flowing trough!!! After climbing it is a nice to jump in it!
The climbing area is called “Pha Tam Kam” and is divided in 7 crags: Hilton, Elephan, Roof right side, Roof left side, Honeymoon, Schôffl block, Mathan.
The rock is a very soft limestone with stalactite crawling down from the wall.

We have to mentioned that even if the climbing is beautiful you must climb very carefully while you are pulling on a stalactite even a big one!!

Also, bolting has been done in a fancy way and sometimes you can easily be scared to fall!! Take care at the belay station while you are lowering your partners or top roping.
It is a new spot so anything can break until a bulk of climbers will visit it.
We recommend to bring along with you, a brush, a 17mm spanner key an some 10mm plates. Some extra slings will be helpful to reinforce the belay station. Long quick draws are very useful.

The climbs are quite short between 16m to 25m, grades from 3C to 8A (French grades).
Grades are not properly fixed while a very less number of climbers have been climbing over in this place. Still you can propose your grade estimation.
Some multi pitches routes are in 6B/6C. Usually the second pitch is not worth to be climbed in itself, while you can do both pitches in one. Do careful at the over tension of the rope due to illogical bolting.

We have done all climb from easy to hard with our friend Lothar Mauch and my wife Sandrine. A real pleasure!! Particularly to climb with our “Guru” Lothar, Chamonix’ Alpinism French Icon!!
The hardest routes above 7B are short and not really interesting. Mainly they present boulder problems.
Many easy routes between 6B to 6C are nice to climb!!

You can down load the guidebook at:

When you will be in Travel Lodge in Thakek you will collect update information’s on the area.
From Thakek Travel lodge and Mr.Hu you can rent a bike and drive to the Hinboun Valley. Their beautiful lime stone rock area will flash to your eyes!! Amazing green valley, with a beautiful river coming out from Tam Kong lor Cave. A network of 7 km river in underground.

Basically when you will reach the end of the road at Sala Hinboun you will walk a few 100mts to get the river bank. You can hire a local small tail boat for 10€ (100000kips) and add 5000kips( 0.5€) per person. It will take you 3Hrs to go and come back from the under ground river. Kong Lor Cave is just an amazing scenery must be seen once in his life!

The Kong Lor caving network has been developed by a French explorers caving team in 2006.
During the caving expedition Phil Bence, Rodolphe Sturm, Maël Loizance, Momo Piazzini have develop a climbing area 8km before Kong Lor cave near the village called Ban Nam None.
The route setting has been made in very safety and professional manner! 3 areas have been developed and offer 26 routes from 3C to 8A over 3 spots: “Petit Keug”, “Singe en Hiver” and “Climb One”.

For a complete information and guidebook you can visit the French blog:

We have climbed and check all various crags and found out some bolts have been stolen!!
Nothing very dangerous but still make sure you will come with extra 10mm bolts and plates along with a 17mm spanner.
In case you wish to develop more routes we request you to send us your new work to update guidebooks and blogs.

From Travel lodge or if you are already on the road to Kong Lor cave , you can do a loop journey to come back to Thakek. It is called the "Loop"!! You will become "Loopers"!

During the loop you will drive for 500km from and back to Thakek including the visit of the Hinboun valley.
To do the trip in a good way without taking any risk is to do it in 3 to four days. You can do it clockwise or anticlockwise.
Personnaly, we have done it clockwise while the most boring part we be done the first day from Thakek to The Hinboun Valley. Also it is the longer stretch 180km.

The first day, you will drive on the NH 13. The road becomes very beautiful and the sceanary amazing from Vieng Kham until Hinboun valley ends (Road #8A).
You will cross a small pass trought incredible limestone pinacles and cliffs!! A limestone desert!!
Are we on the moon...!

The second day you can, early in the morning, visit the Kong Lor Cave and then drive to Lak Sao for an over night. Road is nice and you will need 3.5Hrs to get their (98km - road 8A)

The 3rd day, you will start early and drive on the road 8B to Thakek while stopping at some of the amazing caves along the road. We particularely recommand Tham Phainh.

From La k Sao your day will start on a dirty road for 62km until you get to Thalang bridge where you can stay in a guest house right on the lake bank.
EDF in partmership with Lao and Thai companies have built the first and biggest dum in Lao. 450km²! 75% of the electricity production goes to Thailand.
While driving towards Thaland you will cross an amazing deep rain forest and drive on 25 km dum!! On both side of the dum you will see a dead forest where trees are standing in the water.
Again after Thalang you will drive for 50km on durty but stabalised road until you will cross Mahaxai road. At that point you will drive on road #12 for 2hrs.

We have done this trip on a KALAO 100cc motobike two of us.
Lothar was alone and carrying all climbing gears!

Lao landscape and Laotian people are very nice and still not spoiled by mass tourism and modern constructions.

We wish you a best trip and discovery.

Jeanluc Jubert, Sandrine
Renaud.Travel Informations:

Top Rock Adventures is organizing climbing tours and packages around South East Asia. You can visit our web site about our Indian rock climbing packages in Badami, Hampi, Manali, Spiti and Lahaul Valleys.
For Thaïland, Vietnam, Lao, China, climbing tours you can send us an email at
We will organise the climbing gears (sports and traditional climbing), hotel/guest house booking, travel booking, and all transfert facilities to make your trip as much as cool as possible.

Jeanluc Jubert will guide you trough all these marvellous countries and climbing spots while avoiding touristic and crowdies places.
He will share with you is travel experiences and cultural knowledge.
In case you wish to travel by yourself here are some relevant information’s.
How to get Nakon Phanon and Lao border:From Bangkok: Direct flight with Air Asia or NokAir. from any of their sale counter. No online booking facilities are available. Online booking
Approximately 1800Thai Bath per passenger one way.

From Chiang Mai:From down town Chiang Mai to Airport by taxi it will cost you 100Thai bath.

Direct flight with Nok Air to Udorn Thani.
You must get your booking and flight ticket from Chiang Mai airport.
Approximately 6000Thai Bath both way per passenger.
Then you will have to take a bus from the bus station located in the heart of Udorn Thani to Nakon Phanon
Bus starts from 4.30am and run every 30 minutes.
It will take you 6hrs. Slow local bus stopping billion of times on the way. But you can see the local life, at least!!!
At your arrival at Nakon Phanon bus stand you will take a “Tuk Tuk” for 30 ThaiBath each to get you in 10 minutes to the Ferry and immigration.
Both Thailand and Lao immigration office are Open form 8.00AM until 4.00pm everyday.
You can also take a taxi from Udorn Thani to Nakon Phanon: Approximately 3000Thai Baht. 3hrs only!!
Taxi can be hire from Udorn Thani bus stand.

Where to Stay in Udorn Thani:In down town at 3mn walk from the central bus station for Nakon Phanon:
Ph: +6642-222454
A very welcome place simple but well maintained.
The owner is very smiley, helpful and speaks fluent English.
Free internet access.
Room: Fan 250Thai bath, A/C: 350Thai bath
Perfect stay for one night or two.
While staying in Udorn Thani one can visit the Night bazaar near the lake.
Very beautiful market, full of cloth shops’. A best place to eat. Cheap and best!
You must try the Salted grilled fish from Mekong River.
You can get from bus stand or SRITRAKARN HOTEL to the night bazaar in 5 minutes walk or take a “Tuk tuk” for 20ThaiBath each.
Another option is to stay in the south of the city near the university. Student area.

Also, many middle range standard hotel are in Udorn Thani as it is a place where expatriated foreigners stay to cross the border to Vientiane and get a fresh visa for Thailand!
One can check on internet.

Visa: Both Thailand and Lao Immigration office are Open form 8.00AM until 4.00pm everyday.
From Thailand to Lao:
At the arrival from the ferry on the Mekong river Lao side you will get one month visa for:
- 30US$ for European countries
- 40US$ for Canadian.
No any other formality is requested by Laotian authorities except to fill up an arrival form as usual. A passport size picture per person might be useful.
No any exit fees will be requested by the Lao Immigration on departure.

From Lao to Thailand: After crossing on your way back the Mekong River you will get a free 15 days Thailand visa for most of the country.
For longer visa period one must get info from Thai Embassy or consulate.
Lao Visa fees can be paid in US$, € or Thai Bath.
The change will be given back in the same money you will pay.

Mekong ferry fee: From Nakon Phanon to Thakek 1.5€ or 120ThaiBath approximately per passenger
From Lao Thakek to Nakon Phanon Thailand Mekong right bank: 15000Kips

Exchange rates: March' 2011.1€ = 1000kips
1US$= 8000kips.
1€= 40 ThaiBath
You can check for exchange rate up date at:

ATM and Exchange:You will find ATM everywhere. But still it is always good to carry US$, €, Thai Bath with you if you plan to go in remote areas. You will always be able to pay a restaurant or Hotel/Guest house or your petrol in foreign currency. Your change will be given in Kips.
Where to stay in Thakek:Different options are available but we recommend
The Travel Lodge
From the immigration office take a “TukTuk” for 3€ (30000kips). It is at 15mn drive.
Charming place with a bit of French colonial style. Nice food. Camp fire at night.
Facilities: Free Wifi and free luggage room.
Better to book in advance.

Mr.Hu will arrange your bike for 90000Kips (9€) per day.
You can find a bit cheaper in town but the quality of the bike is very bad (Tyre, Breaks, engine oil…)
You can also stay in Indhira Hotel Near the Mekong river.
Quite noisy and no view on the Mekong river. 45000kips one night:

Have a good trip!!

lundi 21 février 2011

Rock Climbing Topo Guide available at Top Rock Adventures Library in India.



Top Rock Adventures is not only a canyoning / rock climbing and training shop.

His mission is to help the developpement of the rock climbing in the world particularly in Asia.

In order to guide climbers and promote as much as we can rock climbing in Asia we have selected all the Rock climbing guidebook about:
Vietnam, Thaïland, Lao, India, China.
- Rock Climbing in Thaïland Krabi Province, Ray lay TonSai
- Rock Climbing in North Thailand: Chiang Mai Crazy Horse.
- Rock Climbing in South Thailand: Kho Yao Noi
- Rock Climbing in China: Yangshuo

- Rock Climbing in Vietnam
- Rock Climbing in South India Hampi & Badami.
You can order online by sending your request at:

Also for more detailled info about the rock climbing in Thailand (Ray Lay beach, Tonsai, Kho Yao Noi, Chiang Mai), in Laos (Luang Prabang, Vang Vieng, Thakkek, Khramouan)
you can send us an email at:
or visit the following sites:

lundi 24 janvier 2011

Thai Tanium Project - Thailand Rebolting.



Thailand is renown for its marvellous beaches, its incredible islands and of course its gorgeous girls…
Amongst of few thousand people in the world, south Thailand has another meaning.
It sounds like the Birds of paradise for climbers. In the south part of Thailand in the Krabi’s area, Phan Nga Province, an unimaginable number of huge crags are displayed all over beautiful islands, offering to the climber a straight way to “Paradise”.

Developed in the early 80’s by climber’s who fell in love with this amazing scenery and rock potential in south Thailand is a “Must” in the rock climbing world!
The one who wants to discover what the world is offering in climbing beauty cannot avoid a stop over in Ton Saï.

Nowadays, while staying in Ton Saï bay you will share your days of climbing with people coming from all over the world. Another, very rich aspect that this unique place offers.
While sitting on the beach, chilling in an hammock, or drinking a night time beer, climbers will come to you and offer you to share a climb. So easy to find partners in this peaceful atmosphere.

But even in the paradise, black clouds can always come over and turn the beauty into dramatic scenery. An image of terror!!!

Quickly, when this climbing crew started to set up main routes in traditional climbing they felt the need to re bolt each and every crag in stainless steel bolts to offer a comfortable and safe climb.
Unfortunately after 9 months of re bolting they realised all efforts were essentially useless.
The high density of magnesium contained in the limestone, the salty atmosphere, the heavy rainfalls, and the high level of humidity in the air lead to a high degree of bolt’s corrosion even on the stainless steel one.
Few months after a new expansion bolt is placed up you cannot trust the resistance against a fall. A simple body weight charge on a corroded bolt will break it!!

As it is an unique situation in the world, some steel company tried to understand what was going on.
Results show that the only solution is to re bolt each and every route in Titanium bolt using very strong double component glue.
It is the only way to offer a safe climb to the 2000 people climbing in Ton Saï every week in average.
But this has a cost effect. A titanium bolt is costing 9.5US$ + the glue and of course the time spent by each and every passionate climber in love with this place.

The problem is it needs more than 6000 bolt to cover Ton Saï walls alone.

There exists no local infrastructure to develop and manage such a project.

Not even any climbing equipment brands want to support this re bolting effort.

Only the “American Safe Climbing Association” contributed of purchase of a large amount of bolts in 2009 and 2010.

Now, it is up to us to continue and to spread awareness.

So, the only way was to raise private funds.

Therefore, Josh Lyon, one of the most famous North American climbers, has created a DVD about the bolting problem in Ton Saï Beach, if purchased 100% of proceeds goes to replacing all old dangerous stainless steel bolts.

This DVD took 2 years to be made and will express to you the urgency for action in order for safe climbing to take place.
You will discover some of the pioneer climber’s on the best crags surrounded by amazing sceneries on the various walls that south Thailand has best to offer.

One DVD cost 500 Baht which is equal to one Titanium bolt.

“By buying this film you are a part of The Thaitanium Project”, Sam Lightner.

To provide you a copy of it you can rather visit
or send an email to: , kind Attenttion to Heather Miner or Mark Miner

Jeanluc Jubert

Director Top Rock Adventures.

mercredi 10 novembre 2010

New Bouldering Area in Manali

The Himalayan Canyon Team and Top Rock Adventures team members' investigate a new bouldering area around Manali.
Jeanluc Jubert discovered this area in 2008.
In may 2010 Fred Nicol and Elie Cheuvieux came to join Jeanluc and start to clean, brush, and try some of the most difficult boulder problems in this area.
The Himalayan Canyon Team leaded by Jeanluc Jubert, decided to come back once more in this superbe, peaceful and wild bouldering area to increase the number of boulders problems.
Nowdays we have cleaned and opened more than 60 problems to satisfy beginners and extreme climbers. The topo guide is not done yet but for any infos, topo ... please get in touch with Top Rock Adventures Office in Chidhyari, on Vashisht road directly on by sending us an email.
For Top Rock Adventures.

dimanche 11 juillet 2010

Premier topo d'escalade en Inde

C’est en 2007, lorsque Alex Chabot, Chloé Graftiaux, Jacques Perrier (Pschitt) et Sam Bié sont venus découvrir l’Inde lors du premier « climbing trip » organisé par l’association Girivihar et Top Rock Adventures , que l’idée de faire un topo sur Hampi et Badami est sortie du « Lotus ».

Le recensement a commencé. Très vite, je me suis rendu compte qu’il y avait un besoin de rééquipement d’abord avant de penser à quelque topo que ce soit…C’est ainsi qu’avec l’aide de Beal et de Cassin que des dizaines de voies ont été rééquipées et ouvertes comme la magnifique ligne de Badami, « Ganesha projet », libérée cet hiver par Gérôme Pouvreau.

Un vieux proverbe dit « Tout arrive à point à qui sait attendre ! » et bien c’est le cas pour le premier topo d’escalade en Inde, «Climbing Guide Book of Hampi & Badami » paru ce 4 avril 2010. Il aura fallu aux auteurs (Rohit Chauhan et moi-même) pas moins de 3 bonnes années de voyages, de rencontres, de déchiffrage de croquis incomplets, de grimpe, de joies et de galères, des millions de mails pour retrouver les ouvreurs dispersés aux 4 coins de la planète et qui, bien sûr n’ont jamais laissé de trace de leurs ouvertures, si ce n’est les quelques belles lignes ou beaux problèmes dispersés ça et là…

Alors pour ceux qui n’auraient pas été cité et/ou qui auraient des infos complémentaires merci de les mailer à :

Les auteurs sont heureux que cette première ébauche soit terminée et de pourvoir l’offrir au grand public.

Cet ouvrage est plus qu’un simple topo d’escalade : il vous renseigne sur l’Inde, les conditions de voyages, les formalités nécessaires avant et après votre départ, les diverses cultures et traditions du sud de l’Inde et surtout, c’est une mine d’or pour ceux qui veulent continuer à pratiquer leur sport favori dans des territoires nouveaux et très peu fréquentés. Le livre idéal pour « les globe- grimpeurs».

Ce topo vous aidera à retrouver l’ensemble des sites d’escalade du sud de l’Inde et surtout vous permettra d’avoir les divers contacts des personnes qui participent au développement de cette activité sur le territoire.

Pour tout renseignement sur tout point pour construire votre « climbing trip » en Inde :

Ce livre topo est le premier d’une série en préparation sur l’ensemble de l’escalade en Inde.

Les revenus de la vente de ce livre sont investis par les auteurs dans le rééquipement et l’ouverture de nouveaux sites en Inde. Merci de respecter le travail des auteurs et de ne pas en faire de copie.

Son prix international de vente au public est de 850rps soit 15€ plus frais de port.

Il est disponible par correspondance sur le site web de Top Rock Adventures

Par tel/fax : +91 .1902.250260

Mon mail pour plus d’infos :

Délais de livraison : 10jours

Pour ceux qui seraient déjà en Inde, pour obtenir la liste des revendeurs du livre en Inde merci d’envoyer votre demande à :

jeudi 3 juin 2010

Un nouveau site d'escalade à Manali!!

Jean-Luc et Hervé se concertent sur le tracé du 6A+

Autour de Manali, le potentiel est considérable, mais les secteurs d'escalade sportive sont encore peu nombreux. Ici, l'escalade sur bloc tient le haut du pavet avec de très beaux secteurs à Solang, Manalsu, Vashisht et Chatru (Lahaul).

L'objectif de Top Rock Adventures est de développer de nouveaux sites pour dynamiser l'activité dans la région et offrir de nouvelles oportunités aux grimpeurs qui sont de plus en plus nombreux à séjourner à Manali.

L'année dernière, nous avons ouvert 2 jolis secteurs (un secteur "école" et un "advanced"). L' objectif suivant était d'équiper une très belle paroie située au dessus de Manali, dans une foret de cèdres; Le rocher et l'ambiance de ce lieu nous ont séduit au point de nous donner la motivation de rester pendus dans les bodars, la brosse à la main, des semaines durant!!!
L'équipement de Chichoga aura été un travail de longue haleine...De longues heures de brossage pour mettre à nu les plus belles lignes de la paroie.... Mais, l'esprit des grimpeurs n'est pas du genre à regarder les autres sans bouger, alors, quand nos copains français de "Gravity Globe" sont passés à Manali, ils nous ont preté main forte. Ils ont été les premiers à grimper et a travailler en collaboration avec Jean-Luc sur le tracé des voies..
Lors des sorties suivantes, Hervé (Québec), Elia (Israel) et Jean-Luc (France) ont percé et posé plus de 140 bolts pour équiper les 9 voies (35m en moyenne) du secteur de Chichoga. Cette paroie de 45m offre un potentiel homogène allant du 6A+ au 7A+, de quoi passer une exellente journée grimpe dans une ambiance himalayenne!!