
"Never stop exploring"

lundi 14 mars 2011

Chamjé Khola Canyon Expedition Nepal 2011

As we already announced some months and weeks ago Top Rock Adventures members, Jeanluc Jubert is taking part in the exploration of "One of the Highest and longest canyon never explored in the word"!!
Since Yesterday part of the "Chamjé Khola Canyon Expedition Nepal 2011 Team members" are in Katmandou...Yann Ozoux, Jeanluc jubert, greg and Mathieux Kievits...

Most of them haven't met each other since many months.

This time we will be all here and try to enjoy while preparing the last technical details.

Today we are expecting Rodolphe Sturm, Laurent triay, Sam Bie, Lionel and Adrien!!

the medical team is already at Tal the base camp village in the Marsyangui Valley.

For the one who wants to follow our incrdeible Canyon and exploration adventures you can follow it on: or  to view the amazing film on the opening time.
Also you can clik on Sam Bie blog our lovely photographer 

Click on face book too: 
Himalayan Canyon Team
jeanluc Jubert
or on our dedicated Blogs :          
We will try to up date the expedition progress via satelite phone, thinking that we don't have phone connection in the MArsyanguy valley !!
Hope read your comments!!

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